
2008-05-03 6:03 pm

我想用laptop output去電視度

回答 (1)

2008-05-03 6:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
你的laptop 有沒有 HDMI port / AV port, if your laptop has both ports, you can buy AV cable or HDMI cable to connect to TV. One important: your TV must be has HDMI port, so you can use HDMI cable to link up. Unless, you only can use AV cable to connect

If u use the laptop to watch TV directly, you should but the TV box thought USB connect. After you connect tv BOX, you can watch TV on ypur laptop

2008-05-03 10:26:42 補充:
you should buy the TV box to install in your laptop

2008-05-03 10:28:48 補充: You go ot this web site, can find the photo for your reference

2008-05-30 22:20:39 補充:
this cam help you to solve the problem?

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