
2008-05-03 4:45 pm
我平時沖涼/飲水果時 用d好熱既水 但係如果剩係得一滴水架話d水又會唔熱

回答 (3)

2008-05-05 5:38 am
✔ 最佳答案

係因為得一滴果陣 佢既能量會小d(比起成杯)

咁你一飲佢 假設佢熱過你個口


對於咁小既水黎講 小小能量已經好多



2008-05-04 21:40:39 補充:
仲有其他因素:越細既野 相對佢黎講個表面積會好大

2008-05-04 8:28 am
By [1000度高溫I], I presume you refer to 1000 degrees Celsius.

Water could hardly reach the temperature of 1000 deg.C to still remain in liquid state.

Water boils at 100 deg.C under standard atmospheric pressure. The boiling point of water can be raised by increasing the pressure. Under 70 atmospheric pressure, the wtaer boiling point can reach 280 deg.C.

Therefore, a tremendous pressure is needed to raise the water boiling point to temperature above 1000 deg.C

Back to your question, if you could really raise the temperature of water to 1000 deg.C (which is rather an unrealistic situation in practice), a small drop of water, say 1 mL, would lose its temperature very rapidly because of the great difference between its temperature and the surroundings, which is assumed to be at room temperature. The loss of heat is mainly by radiation.
2008-05-03 5:24 pm
the heat energy of a liquid =mass x heat capacity x temperature
the temperature and heat capacity are the same,
so a bowl of hot water contains much more energy than
a drop of hot water.
in the same way, a tray of 100 degree celcius of water
contains much more energy than a drop of 100 degree
celcius of water.
a drop of 100 degree celcius of water also has a temperature
of 100 degree celcius, but the heat energy it contains is much
lower than a tray of hot water.

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