
2008-05-03 6:31 am
我今年Form 3, 由於Maths and IS 成績唔好,所以要choose 文科, 咁我揀文科, 將來我想做飛機師, 究竟做唔做到? 我中文成績幾好, 而英文係我最勁嗰科, 將來我想做飛機師, 究竟做唔做到?

回答 (3)

2008-05-06 2:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
國泰的要求: 會考物理和數學及格,AL2科及格 或 學位(不限科目)
港龍要求: 會考物理和數學拿C,AL2科及格,但無指明一定要理科,即係你讀完文/商科,再考個物理會考都可以apply
2008-05-05 10:08 am
唔得架,做飛機師要識好多mechanical 既野,呢d全部係理科野,前一條友玩野。你一係上國泰或其他航空公司個網睇下請人既野,會知多d,唔好比人誤你前途。

2008-05-07 13:32:31 補充:
To qualify for our Cadet Pilot Programme, you must be at least 18 years old and a Hong Kong resident. You must be at least 1.6m tall, be physically fit, and possess an excellent command of English. The minimum educational standards we require are:

2008-05-07 13:32:41 補充:
* 5 passes in HKCEE / GCSE (O Level), including Physics and Mathematics, together with 2 passes in HKAL / GCE A Level, preferably in Science OR
* a Degree or Diploma in any discipline (or the equivalent educational standard obtained overseas)

2008-05-07 13:40:22 補充:
Above are details from Cathay Pacific.

I am sorry to mislead you by saying you 'have to' study in Science. I would rather say you better study in Science and usually we would do the best thing should we all for our aim.

2008-05-07 13:40:29 補充:
At the same time, being a University student, I would like to tell you a fact that Science students have more advantages in choosing subjects in University as there are more Science subjects than Arts subjects.
2008-05-03 6:35 am

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