✔ 最佳答案
The UK Working Holidaymaker scheme is open to applicants between 17 and 30 years old who hold the following nationalities:
- British Overseas Territories citizen;
- British Overseas citizen; and
- British National (Overseas).<==持有BNO
Citizens of the following countries are also eligible to apply:
Antigua and Barbuda; Australia; The Bahamas; Bangladesh; Barbados; Belize; Botswana; Brunei Darussalam; Canada; Cameroon; Dominica; Fiji Islands; The Gambia; Ghana; Grenada; Guyana; India; Jamaica; Kenya; Kiribati; Malawi; Malaysia; Maldives; Mauritius; Mozambique; Namibia; Nauru; New Zealand; Nigeria; Pakistan; Papua New Guinea; Saint Christopher and Nevis; Saint Lucia; Saint Vincent and the Grenadines; Seychelles; Sierra Leone; Singapore; Solomon Islands; South Africa; Sri Lanka; Swaziland; Tanzania, United Republic of; Tonga; Trinidad and Tobago; Tuvalu; Uganda; Vanuatu; Western Samoa; Zambia; and Zimbabwe
你好呀! 香港與
英國沒有簽訂working holiday visa 計劃!! 現時香港只係和澳洲,新西蘭及愛爾蘭三個國家簽訂working holiday visa 計劃!!不論那一個國家,申報working holiday visa不一定是100%,當你成功申請到working holiday visa才買機票也未遲呀!! 其實她們要的經濟証明(你所指戶口放多少$$) 她們不是太嚴厲!!關於working holiday visa的資格,請去以下Website!!新西蘭、澳洲及愛爾蘭的年青人亦可透過參加工作假期計劃來港。他們可向駐當地中國領事館查詢計劃詳情,或瀏覽香港特別行政區政府入境事務處網頁:
2008-05-03 11:14:12 補充:
這只限 BNO 持有人,特區護照是不能用來申請的。所以有香港政府網站內是不能找到有關資料。另外,跟愛爾蘭、澳洲及紐西蘭不同,英國的 working holiday 容許你在同一間公司內連續工作一年,不用轉工,另外再加一年逗留時間來旅遊,即一共可逗留兩年,當中包括一年工作。