英文Grammar & Writing格式一問

2008-05-02 10:49 pm


Dream House 係英文Grammer 上有冇錯?

可唔可以配其他詞 如 Dream Man 、Dream Job、 Dream Career等?

2.Writing 格式

(a)如果 寫信俾 Editor 個E一定要大階 同埋

係尾 加 yours faithfully 同 signature x2

呢6分係 計係 C A O G 哪1個部分?

(b)如果 寫article 寫左開首dear editor

同埋係尾加左 yours faithfully 同 signature x2

係唔係 片article就會唔合格 或 0分?如果扣分扣幾多到?

扣係C A O G 哪1個部分?

 最後 寫article 係唔係一定要寫題目?

回答 (4)

2008-05-02 11:03 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Dream House 係英文Grammar 上有冇錯? - No grammar mistake because here Dream is used as an adjective.

可唔可以配其他詞 如 Dream Man 、Dream Job、 Dream Career等? Yes

2.Writing 格式

(a)如果 寫信俾 Editor 個E一定要大階 同埋 – Yes because Editor is a title

係尾 加 Yours Faithfully 同 signature x2

呢6分係 計係 C A O G 哪1個部分? – Sorry I do not understand your question of CAOG, but I will consider this is part of writing in correct format.

(b)如果 寫article 寫左開首Dear Editor

同埋係尾加左 Yours Faithfully 同 signature x2

係唔係 片article就會唔合格 或 0分?如果扣分扣幾多到? - Again I do not understand CAOG. Please explain what is CAOG.

扣係C A O G 哪1個部分?

 最後 寫article 係唔係一定要寫題目? - Yes

2008-05-02 15:45:34 補充:
I really want to know what is CAOG, please send me a letter to advise if you can. Thank you in advance !
參考: Myself, Myself
2009-06-29 7:07 pm
香城老師作文批改既 簡寫= =

C : Contect
A: Accuracy(grammar)
O: Organisation
G: genre & style~ <<扣格式果d係度(唔識當語氣果d都係度)
2008-05-18 11:42 am
2.Writing 格式

(a)呢6分係 計係 C A O G 哪1個部分? = Writing format = W

(b)如果 寫article 寫左開首dear editor

扣係C A O G 哪1個部分? = Writing format = W
Will not get 0分, may only deduct 1 mark, or even will not deduct mark because you should have been deducted in (a), and both (a) and (b) belong to writing format.
2008-05-14 1:51 am
The replier didn&#39;t know what is COAG,so tell he/her.

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