
2008-05-02 7:36 am

回答 (3)

2008-05-03 5:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
To apply for mortgage over 70% to 90%
you have 3 ways to do so in HK

1). apply to banks with Hong kOng mortgage insurace corporation as reinsurer

2). apply to Standard chartered / Wing Hung bank with other company as reinsurer.

3). apply to Credit / BIG EAR HOLE company

For method 1) and 2).

The loan ratio depends on your repayment ability, the type of the residential property.

Assumed that you are considered to be able to garnnt 90%
The max tenor is normallly 50 - 18 = 32 ==> 30 yrs
(some banks accept 40 yrs but not common)

For both 1 and 2, you should pay insurance premium and the premium increases with your loan ratio and tennor.

For further info, you can contact me on [email protected]
2008-05-03 6:16 am
2008-05-02 8:08 am
首期可多或少於30%. 銀行按上限是70%. 如要額外按10-25%便要找保險公司. 銀行通常會安排但是否受理由保險公司決定. 銀行沒權限. 是否可做到90%要看很多因素. 其中該樓宇是否交投活躍很重要. 建議向銀行查詢最清楚.

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