
2008-05-02 5:47 am

e.g.:有一次,我忘記了吃早餐 應該點講?

回答 (6)

2008-05-02 5:49 am
✔ 最佳答案
One day, I forgot to have my breakfast.
2008-05-12 3:47 am
One time, I forgot to have breakfast.

2008-05-11 19:48:58 補充:
eat breakfast, eat lunch 或 eat dinner是對的,但人地鬼佬唔會咁講lo...
參考: 我ge阿sir, 我ge阿sir
2008-05-02 7:27 pm
有一次,我忘記了吃早餐 應該點講?
It happened once that I forgot to have my breakfast.
有一次 - 通常是 Once upon a time (從前有一天....). 但不可用在此句.

2008-05-02 11:29:06 補充:
eat breakfast, eat lunch 或 eat dinner 是不對的.
參考: Self
2008-05-02 6:02 am
There was one time I forgot to eat breakfast.
參考: me
2008-05-02 5:51 am
There was once,I forgot to eat beaskfast.
2008-05-02 5:49 am
Once I forgot to eat breakfast


One day, I forgot to eat breakfast

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