戶口結餘 / 可用結餘

2008-05-02 12:57 am
昨天我在提款機查詢戶口結餘時, 看到戶口結餘 / 可用結餘 分別是 $40500 和 $38500.

剛剛有人過了 $2000 給我的戶口, 所以,我想問是不是因為那 $2000 未 "ready", 所以可用結餘比戶口結餘少 $2000?


回答 (1)

2008-05-02 1:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
If the person deposit $2000 in your A/C by cheque then it is not "ready" coz it will takes 1 working day.

If he deposit cash into your A/C or transfer the money from other A/C to your A/C, the money should be ready right after the transaction.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:30:34
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