關於菠蘿包 help me ~~ 我要做project!!有10分架!!

2008-05-01 10:30 pm
唔該我想1D菠蘿包o既由來,特色同做法(姐系食譜la 要中英對照wor)



回答 (1)

2008-05-03 5:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. 低筋麵粉160g
2. 牛油/專用酥油32g
3. 豬油80g
4. 特幼砂糖112g
5. 蘇打粉0.8g
6. 泡打粉0.8g
7. 臭粉半茶匙
8. 淡奶2茶匙
9. 雞蛋9.5g
10. 水6.5g
1. 高筋麵粉625g
2. 雞蛋50g
3. 特幼砂糖150g
4. 豬油50g
5. 酵母5g
6. 淡奶25g
7. 水300g
1. 將糖,牛油/專用酥油、豬油、脫淡奶用慢速攪拌均勻
2. 將蘇打粉、泡打粉、臭粉倒入,雞蛋加入拌勻
3. 再倒入低筋麵粉拌勻,隔夜後使可使用
1. 焗爐預熱190°C
2. 將糖溶於水中
3. 加入雞蛋、淡奶、麵粉、牛油、豬油及酵母用手搓成麵糰,麵糰需搓至光滑
4. 將麵糰放在碗內,用保鮮紙蓋好及讓它發酵45分鐘
5. 將已發酵好的麵糰分成20塊,用手滾圓,再用布蓋好讓鬆弛15分鐘
6. 將麵糰搓成所需形狀,再讓它醒醱1小時
7. 麵糰面搽上蛋汁,以180°C焗約12-15分鐘即成。
Pineapple skin: 1. Low muscle bread flour 160g 2. Butter/special-purpose butter 32g 3. Lard 80g 4. Especially young hard sugar 112g 5. Soda ash 0.8g 6. Baking powder 0.8g 7. Smelly powder half teaspoon 8. Evaporated milk 2 teaspoons 9. Egg 9.5g 10. Water 6.5g Bread: 1. High muscle bread flour 625g 2. Egg 50g 3. Especially young hard sugar 150g 4. Lard 50g 5. Yeast 5g 6. Evaporated milk 25g 7. Water 300g Pineapple skin: 1. The sugar, the butter/special-purpose butter, the lard, escape the evaporated milk to stir evenly with the idling speed 2. The soda ash, the baking powder, the smelly powder pour into, the egg joins mixes evenly 3. Pours into the low muscle bread flour to mix evenly again, after overnight, causes to be possible to use Bread: 1. stove preheating 190°C 2. Dissolves the sugar in the water 3. Joins the egg, the evaporated milk, the bread flour, the butter, the lard and the yeast rubs the pasta with the hand, the pasta must rub smoothly to 4. Places in the bowl the pasta, with maintains freshness the paper cap good and lets it ferment 45 minutes 5. Will ferment the good pasta to divide into 20, is perfectly round with the hand, uses the bouquet to let well again relax 15 minutes 6. Rubs the pasta needs the shape, lets it awake again for 1 hour 7. The pasta surface applies the egg juice, namely becomes by 180°C the approximately 12-15 minutes.

2008-05-03 09:42:14 補充:

2008-05-03 09:42:27 補充:

2008-05-03 09:42:33 補充:

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