HKU SPACE University of London external system LLB 收生要求

2008-05-01 9:52 pm
我而家讀緊HKU SPACE o既Assoicate degree in Business Administration year 1,黎緊九月就讀year 2 ,讀完之後我好想入University of London external system o既LLB(Part-time)
二:我之前去聽過London University既LLB講座,在場大部份都係Degree holder,過往LLB收生係咪都多數都係有degree程度先收?
二:我唔係主修Legal Studies,係咪要讀多兩年Diploma in Law先有資格報名?

回答 (1)

2008-05-16 5:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In the website of London University, they state that the academic qualifications are:
1) the entrance requirements are based on UK GCSE/GCE O levels and A levels and they will also accept many other qualifications both from the UK and the rest of the world.
2) English language: they may require you to have passed a recognised test of proficiency, at the appropriate level, within the last three years.
3) Other e.g. computer/internet access.

The LLB degree consists of 12 units when taken through the Standard Route. That is the normal route. Applicants who already have an undergraduate degree acceptable to the University may complete the LLB in two to three years through the nine-unit Graduate Entry Route. In other words, if you are a degree holder, you can complete the LLB within a shorter period. It does not mean you must be a degree holder.

However, as you are not a degree holder and you do not have any legal experience, I would suggest you first to study the Diploma in Law which consist of four basic units. The Diploma in Law is a qualification in its own right and also provides an entry route to the LLB. Successful completion of the Diploma gains credit for the first four subjects of the LLB degree.

Completing a LLB is not an easy job. You have to prepare yourself before you start the programme.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 15:30:03
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