有人可以幫我番譯嗎~~番譯成英文(( 急急急....作文需要~>~

2008-05-01 7:07 pm
貞德出生於法國香檳-阿登大區和洛林大區邊界一個叫做棟雷米的農村,父親為雅克·達克(Jacques d'Arc),母親為伊莎貝拉·達克(Isabelle Romee)。她的雙親擁有大約50英畝的土地,並經營一座農場,同時她的父親也擔任了村莊裡不太重要的的官員職務,負責收集稅金並領導看守村莊的工作。這個村莊屬於法國東北部仍然忠誠於法國王室的一小塊孤立地區之一,週遭都被勃艮第人的領土所包圍了。在貞德的童年中,村莊遭受了幾次襲擊,其中一次甚至使村莊起了大火。

她據稱遇見了大天使聖米迦勒、聖凱瑟琳和聖瑪桂萊德(這三位傳說人物在當時都非常知名),告訴她要趕走英國人,並帶領王儲至蘭斯進行加冕典禮。在她16歲時她在那裡向當地的駐防部隊指揮官博垂科特(Robert de Baudricourt)說明來意,希望能帶她前往王儲的所在地—希農。博垂科特只是嘲笑了她一番,但這並沒有讓貞德就此打退堂鼓。貞德在第二年的一月再次前來,隨同的還有兩個支持她的士兵:Jean de Metz和Bertrand de Poulegny。在他們的支持下她獲得第二次接見,在談話中她並說出了一些神奇的戰情預報。

貞德的軍隊在1429年4月29日到達戰場,但當時的法軍指揮官迪努瓦公爵(Jean de Dunois)和其他將領自行擬定了作戰計畫,在沒有告知貞德的情況下展開作戰。貞德察覺後對此大發雷霆,貞德主張直接攻擊英軍,她投入了每一場小規模戰鬥中,身處戰鬥的最前線,並隨身帶著她那明顯的旗幟。對於貞德在戰場上的實際領導能力一直是歷史上的爭論之一,目擊者聲稱她常常在戰場上做出相當明智的決策,但士兵和將領們往往將她所獲得的勝利視為是上帝的神秘力量所成就的。最近學者在審判證詞的解讀上則較常指出,跟隨她的軍官們將她視為一個足智多謀的戰術家和成功的戰略家。「她持續領導著軍隊進行了一系列不可思議的勝利,扭轉了整場戰爭的局面。」不管在哪種情況下,歷史學家都同意,法軍在她的領導下都能創造相當非凡的勝利。」




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2008-05-01 7:53 pm
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Joan of Arc, or Jeanne d’Arc in French, (c. 1412 – May 30, 1431) was a 15th century saint and national heroine of France. She led the French army to several important victories and led king Charles VII to his coronation. She was captured by the English and tried by an ecclesiastical court led by Bishop Pierre Cauchon, an English partisan; the court convicted her of heresy and she was burned at the stake by the English when she was nineteen years old. Twenty-four years later, the Vatican reviewed the decision of the ecclesiastical court, found her innocent, and declared her a martyr. She was beatified in 1909 and canonized as a saint in 1920.

Joan asserted that she had visions from God that told her to recover her homeland from English domination late in the Hundred Years' War. The uncrowned King Charles VII sent her to the siege at Orléans as part of a relief mission. She gained prominence when she overcame the dismissive attitude of veteran commanders and lifted the siege in only nine days. Several more swift victories led to Charles VII's coronation at Reims and settled the disputed succession to the throne.

The renewed French confidence outlasted her own brief career. She refused to leave the field when she was wounded during an attempt to recapture Paris that autumn. Hampered by court intrigues, she led only minor companies from then onward and fell prisoner at a skirmish near Compiègne the following spring. A politically motivated trial convicted her of heresy. The English regent John of Lancaster, 1st Duke of Bedford had her burnt at the stake in Rouen. She had been the heroine of her country at 17 and died when only 19 years old. Some 24 years later, Pope Callixtus III reopened the case, and a new finding overturned the original conviction. Her piety to the end impressed the retrial court. Pope Benedict XV canonized her on May 16, 1920

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