
2008-05-01 6:35 pm



回答 (2)

2008-05-01 7:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To report a illegal employment :
Address was provided as ( ).The employer was violated the law by hiring illegal residents as his labor frequently,most recently he hired a other illegal immigrant who was from china to praticed as a chef in the kitchen.The man is about 30-40years old and he dwelt in the second floors of a fruit store.In general , he was off for Monday and Tuesday every weeks .The fruit store was open from 5:00pm to12:00pm at night.

The employer of the store only hired one illegal immigrant temporarily as I recognized.
2008-05-05 8:13 am
I would like to report an illegal employment.

It is the practice for the boss of xxx to employ illegal immigrants who mainly come from mainland China. Recently, he employed a Chinese illegal immigrant to work in his kitchen again. The illegal employee is a man aged about 30-40 and lives above the shop. He works from 5pm to midnight and has his day off on every Monday or Tuesday.

For your information, there is only one illegal employee in xxx for the time being.

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 18:40:22
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