Do you agree internet is important?

2008-05-01 6:04 pm
Do you agree with the view that internet is increasingly important in influencing local politics and society? if so, how has internet been used to influence public opinion, preference of political leaders; what are the limitations of internet in influencing the decision-making process?

回答 (2)

2008-05-01 6:16 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Do you agree internet is important?
Do you agree with the view that internet is increasingly important in influencing local politics and society?

i agree that internet is increasingly important in influencing local politics and society....

if so, how has internet been used to influence public opinion, preference of political leaders; what are the limitations of internet in influencing the decision-making process?

the internet has been used to influence public opinion......preference of political leaders....that's good for readers.....

but internet is a place to know about many things...not a political place.....

what are the limitations of internet in influencing the decision-making process?

limitations of internet in influencing the decision-making process; include about political.....not this....

and the bad things are not in the internet.....
2008-10-23 2:43 am
我的名字is raymond li
www.money128.biz和 -
[email protected]

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