
2008-05-01 5:35 pm

回答 (3)

2008-05-01 8:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
They 和 them 都可以翻譯為 他們/她們/它們。分別在於句子成份﹕
1.They 是用作句子的 subject﹐是主動的果個﹕
They broke the window by accident. 他們不小心打破了窗戶。
They are very loyal dogs. 他們是非常忠心的狗。
I like swimming, so do they. 我喜歡游水﹐他們也喜歡(游水)。[Note: although “they” is at the end of the sentence, it refers to the subject of the people who also like swimming; therefore, it should be “they” not “them”]
2.Them 是用作句子的 object 或者放在 preposition 後面﹕
I lost my books. Did you see them? [“see” is the action, “them” is the object of being seen]
I lent my books to them. [“to” is a preposition]

Their 和 theirs都可以翻譯為 他們的/她們的/它們的。分別在於句子成份﹕
1.Their 後面要跟個名詞。連起來表示“他們的XX東西”。如果仲想用其他形容詞來形容呢樣物品﹐形容詞應該放系 their 同個名詞之間。
If they work hard, their dreams will eventually come true. 如果他們努力﹐他們的夢想最終會實現。
They donated their old clothes to poor people. 他們把他們的舊衣服捐給了窮人。
2.Theirs 後面不用跟名詞。Theirs 本身已經代指佐果樣野﹐表示“他們的XX東西”。不過當然要有前後文﹐如果吾系﹐人地都吾知你講緊邊樣野。
I finished my part of the project, and theirs will be done shortly. 我做完了我的部份﹐他們的部份很快就會完成。[Note: “theirs” refers to “their parts of the project”]
2017-03-03 5:46 am
They Their Them
2008-05-01 7:25 pm
they 的意思是指他們/她們/它們
Eg: They are playing basketball.(他們在打籃球)
Eg: This basketball belongs to them.(這個籃球是屬於他們的),你不會說This basketball belongs to they的
Eg: Their basketball is the latest one.(他們的籃球是最新款的)

P.S: 以上例句全是本人自作的,沒有抄襲成分
參考: joanna

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