What is ”Academic Search Premier”

2008-05-01 9:10 am
I want to know what is "Academic Search Premier"?

Please give the infromation by English.

I know it is a database , which could search thing? Could anyone tell me more details about it, such as the history, the power of it...

回答 (3)

2008-05-01 9:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
Academic Search Premier is a database of scholarly and popular periodicals from most academic areas of study including biological sciences, economics, communications, computer sciences, engineering, language and linguistics, arts and literature, medical sciences, social sciences and the like. The features of the database include:

full-text coverage for over 3,200 periodicals with many dating back to 1990
abstracts and indexing for approximately 4,200 periodicals with many dating back to 1984
an extensive collection of peer-reviewed full-text articles
illustrations, charts, graphs and the like for many articles
pdf, or full-page image format for many articles
index coverage of The Wall Street Journal and The New York Times as well as full-text coverage for The Christian Science Monitor

Why Should You Use Academic Search Premier?

Academic Search Premier is an interdisciplinary database; it provides coverage of most areas of academic study. It is an excellent place to begin any research project; for some research, you may not need to go further.

How Do You Access Academic Search Premier?

Go to the CCLA Electronic Resources page at: http://www.linccweb.org/electronicinfo
Enter your 14 digit library card number in the Borrower ID box and click "Submit"
Select Academic Search Premier
On the next screen, click on "Connect to Database"
Select Academic Search Premier or select Enter
The following search screen will appear
2009-01-10 5:05 am
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2008-05-01 1:14 pm
Academic Search Premier is usually use by university student to look for journal articles. Most people will then read the articles and then write up their term paper or research paper. Academic Search Premier have different databases by discipline, depending on your research area, you may find a lot of stuff or sometimes you may not be able to find enough. Hope this helps.
參考: Me

收錄日期: 2021-04-29 18:10:10
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