
2008-05-01 7:56 am
我想要美國與越南的飲食文化的詳細資料,如由早期至近代、同異等。最緊要是用英文和要詳盡。Be quick please~

English please~~

回答 (2)

2008-05-08 8:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
The American type diet is not fastidious fine, the pursue is quicklyconvenient, also is not luxurious, compared with popularity. On firstthe three meals a day quite are all casual.Breakfast by bread, milk, egg, fruit juice, rolled cat, coffee,sausage and so on primarily. The lunch generally in the operatinglocation with the fast-food (fast-food is typical American dietculture, extremely popularizes), generally has the sandwich, thefruit, the coffee, the hamburger, the hot dog and so on. The supper isthe full meal, quite is sumptuous, some 12 vegetables, like thebeefsteak, the pork chop, the barbecue, the fried chicken and so on,match the bread, the butter, the green vegetables, the fruit, thedessert and so on. Also has on many people the restaurant to use thesupper. American restaurant very many, generally supplies the buffet,the fast-food, specially meal (fixed share food), entire meal and soon each kind of form dining, the price generally quite inexpensive,also may order food, orders food the price to be highest. Breakfastgenerally about 8, lunch generally when 12 - 14, supper generallyabout 18 o'clock. They in just before going to sleep front have eatthe dessert the custom, the adult by the fruit, the candy primarily,child then edible milk and small sweet cake.American's taste quite light, likes eating lives, the cold food, likecoolly shakes the vegetable, is tender beef and so on, the hot soupdoes not burn.

2008-05-08 00:41:10 補充:
The cooked food flavor generally is a salty center belt sweetness. Fries, explodes, fries, roasts for the main cooking way, does not need red-roast, to steam and so on the way. Take the meat, the fish, the vegetables as the staple food, the bread, the noodles, the rice are the nonstaple food.

2008-05-08 00:41:19 補充:
The sweets have the cake, the daily family activity small meat pie, the ice cream and so on. They like eating vegetables and so on green beans, vegetable heart, bean seedling, jack bean, mushroom. Uses the meats all first to reject the bone, the fish goes nail and born, shrimp crab depilation.

2008-05-08 00:41:56 補充:
The American likes eating the sweet-and-sour fish, rumble the meat, explodes the beef, explodes the beefsteak, explodes the pork chop, roasts the chicken, explodes meat vegetable and so on young chicken, loves with drink and so on ice water, mineral water, Coca-Cola, beer,

2008-05-08 00:42:19 補充:
whisky, brandy, likes in the drink China and Canada ice piece, does not like drinking the tea. Before meals by achievement and so on tomato juice, orange juice whets the appetite the drink, eats meal when the custom drinks with drink and so on beer,

2008-05-08 00:42:30 補充:
grape wine, soft drink, after the food drinks the coffee, very little drinks the hard liquor. The American does not like eating the pig's feet, the chicken fingernail, the trepang, the animal internal organs, the fat and so on.

2008-05-08 00:42:38 補充:
When cooking does not put the seasoning, the seasoning puts on the dinner table brings on oneself, has the soy sauce, the vinegar, the monosodium glutamate, the ground pepper, the chili powder and so on.

2008-05-08 00:42:46 補充:
The partial Americans like eating the earthworm, the canned food, the biscuit. When manufacture cold dish, generally with the salad oil, the sauce makes the seasoning.

2008-05-08 00:42:51 補充:
Many people like eating our country the Cantonese cuisine, the Sichuan cuisine as well as the sweet sauce, the oyster oil, the seafood sauce and so on. Likes with the whisky, the gin, a volt Canada and so on the fresh liquor mix modulation cocktail.
2008-05-01 4:51 pm
多.快.好.省 -- 方便食物的主軸








越南菜是中南半島國家中最具特色與美味,可以提供多樣化的精緻菜餚, 除了米飯是主食之外,牛肉、豬肉、海鮮、雞肉、鴨肉都有, 同時也運用南洋地區特有的香料,如檸檬草、羅勒、薄荷、芹菜及新鮮的萊姆果等, 另外還有著名的蘸醬魚露。基本上而言,越南菜著重於辣和酸。 此外,越南每個地方也有其獨特風味。例如: 北部有河粉、蟹湯粉、螺湯粉、烤肉粉、仿狗肉、凍肉、烤魚肉、螺蒸薑汁、 豆麵糯米飯、木鰲糯米飯、瘦肉團子、豬腿等。 中部有豬腿粉、瓜類、炙蝦膾餅片、占米糕、夫婦餅、粉糕、蘇州餅等。 南部則有生魚酸湯、石缽魚、椰汁豬肉、鴨蛋蒸磋魚、繕鍋、春捲、 煎餅、塘虱魚葫蘆瓜湯、豬頭酸瓜…等。
越南人喜食米粉,越南的飲食文化十分講究湯底,“Pho”是越南人對湯的稱呼,傳統的河內湯底是牛肉熬制的,但如今大街小巷盛行西貢的雞湯。“Bun Bo Hue”是辛辣的牛肉米粉,“Bun Rieu”是微辣的鮮蝦米粉,還有魚湯米粉和法國制法的蘆筍蟹湯米粉。

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