Problem about DDR400 CL2.5 and CL3

2008-05-01 7:22 am
i have DDR400 cl2.5 and cl3 ...i am running due channel...but the computer only can run for DDR333...why? is it the best i can do?
the CL2.5 are kingMAX 2x512mb
and CL3 are infrone 2x 512mb

P.S. MY CPU is AMD 64 3000+

回答 (1)

2008-05-01 10:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
Possible cause of your case:-
1. The FSB rate of the CPU!!! You are using a CPU with FSB533 (clock at 133), then the ram can only run on a maximum speed on 333Mhz. It means that You could only obtain 400Mhz speed if you are using a cpu with FSB800 (clock at 200).
2. Some of the old chip set or mainboard restricted the ram to run on 320/333 if the 4 DIMM are fully occupied.
And I think your situation comes with point 1 mentioned above!

2008-05-02 06:39:41 補充:
3000+ running on clock 166Mhz at FSB333, so if your ram running at 333Mhz means you possibly preset your ram running sync. with your FSB!!! Go to BIOS to set DIMM frequency run by auto or 5:6 (FSB:DRAM), then you could obtain the ram to run on 400Mhz.

2008-05-02 06:44:08 補充:
If you are using Nvidia chipset (north/south bridge) motherboard . Running your ram speed sync. with FSB is highly recommended!

If you got more question, please also submit brand/model of your motherboard.

收錄日期: 2021-04-19 01:02:56
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