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17 歲 , 覺得li 個年齡減肥好似有d難咁
年齡不是問題, 只要有恒心, 加上運動與適當的營養餐單配合便會成功。
如果是游3個堂, 以正常比賽用泳池來計, 一般人慢慢地游約5分鐘, 合共15分鐘, 如果只用此作cardio exercise, 並未足夠。
下午去做gym (減肥同減胸應該做邊d 先好 ), 如果你是做 weight/strength training 來鍛練肌肉會有更加好的效果。 運動如: push-up, chess press, shoulder press, bicep curl, hammer curl, dips, lung, squart 等等
如果不停地連續跑, 這已經是足夠的cardio
錯, 如果你不是300 lb以上, 應吃低脂、低鹽低糖和高纖食物。
好, 身體不會缺水。雖然不知道代餐吃的是甚麽, 但似乎carb,protein和菜都少, 不夠營養, 嚴重的可能會令身新代謝都差不多停下。
大約幾耐先減完 有冇可能可以係1個月內呢!!
最初一至二星期可能有效,但長遠來說, 對身體上的影响是得不償失。
游水就隔一兩日先再游 ,但跑步同做gym 都係日日咁做
ok, 但切記肌肉需休息,每星期需最少有一天休息。
晚晚做100下sit up 同呼啦圈15mins
因為是沒有局部減肥, sit up 是强壯腹肌, 可以籍此來令腹部肌肉收緊, 呼啦圈可當遊戲。
Good cardio exercise, 基本上是任何運動都有可能令身體的部份肌肉較大, 但肌肉需蛋白質和長時間鍛練, 很多trainer 都會用多種全身建運動, 身上的肌肉便不停地挑戰, 塑造出一個tone and lean body.
玩boxnig 會唔會減得快d..
不會, 但可以令自己有新鮮感, 是一個好的改變。
Lose weight and/or maintain your weight is a life long commitment, you have to have a healthy life style, good luck for your weight loss!
2008-05-04 02:22:59 補充:
游水我會自由式同背泳 , 100m應游幾耐? Not sure about your speed/duation, but I will suggest you are strating to time yourself.
代餐係營養蛋白粉 , 營養足夠的! Protein is not to fuel your body, mostly carb will do that, not enough carb, then your body will burn muscle, not a good sign.
2008-05-04 02:23:12 補充:
食田園沙律(m記) Basical salad is very good, but the dressing is the main concern, use low fat dressing and as little as you can.
或 食青瓜 "一定會日日食菜" good, if you have more differnet color/variety even much better.
2008-05-04 02:27:29 補充:
If you are very active and less than 30 lb to lose, then try to google the BMR calculator, input your info. that is your basic daily calories in, don't eat less than that, on your exercise day, you can increase around 150 calories, you may see some result.
2008-05-05 20:56:45 補充:
代餐 is not good because you will not/can not have them for the rest of your life, once you get it off, you will gain weight, so having a healthy diet is the best way.