Passive Voice

2008-05-01 1:45 am
What is passive voice ?

回答 (2)

2008-05-01 5:44 am
✔ 最佳答案
英文動詞有主動語態 Active Voice 和被動語態 Passive Voice 之分。


1. John encouraged Mary.﹝約翰鼓勵瑪莉。﹞
2. Mary was encouraged by John.﹝瑪莉受到約翰鼓勵。﹞
※ 第一句的動詞(encouraged) 是主動語態;第二句的動詞
(was encouraged)是被動語態。

BE + 動詞的過去分詞
1. 將賓語變為主語;
2. 根據新主語的身和數,並考慮時態,然後決定 (BE) 的形態;
3. 將舊主語放在 (by) 之後構成介詞短語。

1. Simple Present Tense
主動語態: I teach him.
被動語態: He is taught by me.

2. Present Continuous Tense
主動語態: I am teaching him.
被動語態: He is being taught by me.

3. Present Perfect Tense
主動語態: I have taught him.
被動語態: He has been taught by me.

4. Present Perfect Continuous Tense
主動語態: I have been teaching him for a week.
被動語態: 缺

5. Simple Past Tense
主動語態: I taught him yesterday.
被動語態: He was taught by me yesterday.

6. Past Continuous Tense
主動語態: I was teaching him when you came.
被動語態: He was being taught by me when you came.

7. Past Perfect Tense
主動語態: I had taught him before you came.
被動語態: He had been taught by me before you came.

8. Past Perfect Continuous Tense
主動語態: I had been teaching him an hour before you came.
被動語態: 缺

9. Simple Future Tense
主動語態: I shall teach him tomorrow.
被動語態: He will be taught by me tomorrow.

10. Future Continuous Tense
主動語態: I shall be teaching him when you come.
被動語態: 缺

11. Future Perfect Tense
主動語態: I shall have taught him before the sun sets.
被動語態: He will have been taught by me before the sun sets.

12. Future Perfect Continuous Tense
主動語態: I shall have been teaching him for an hour before the sun sets.
被動語態: 缺


2008-05-01 2:28 am

如: 我打開門 (直接)
門被我打開 (間接)


2008-04-30 18:29:31 補充:
in eng of example
I open the door (direct)
the door is opened by me (indirect - passive)

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