2008-04-30 11:55 pm
A man took a loan of $50000 from A BANK AT 15% per annum
compounded monthly .he repays the bank $5000 at the end of each month .
find the outstanding balance after his second instalment.

回答 (2)

2008-05-01 12:43 am
✔ 最佳答案

loan after one month = 50000*(1+15%/12)=50625

the outstanding balance after his first instalment=50625-5000=45625

loan after one month = 45625*(1+15%/12)=46195.3125

the outstanding balance after his second instalment=46195.3125-5000=41195.3125

2008-04-30 16:53:02 補充:
朋友你條題目原來是會考﹐難怪只問second instalment﹐若果是Actuarial Mathematics 一定只少問8 th instalment 之類。那時用公式計
2008-05-01 12:08 am
loan after one month = 50000*(1+15%/12)=50625

the outstanding balance after his second instalment=50625-5000=45625//

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