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2008-04-30 10:19 pm
我們的人生像齒輪,一個連繫著一個,當你運作時,其實也微妙地牽引著許多其他的大大小小的齒輪轉動...事實上我們不自覺的 互相影響著...很多時我在想世界真的很多巧合,然而有一種想法是世界沒有偶然,只有必然,每一件事的發生必有其因果,我和你偶而 在街上遇到也不是僥倖

Please help me !! I will thank you so much

回答 (2)

2008-04-30 11:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Our life is just a gear, one chains to one another. While one single gear is wheeling, it leads to the wheeling of some other big or small gears fact, we will always be inter-affected unconsciously.....It is quite often that coincidence does exist in the world. Nevertheless, there is a saying that the world is without fortuity, only with certainty. Everything does have cause and effect for its happening. Like you and me, our encounter is not just by chance.

2008-04-30 15:54:24 補充:
The first sentence amended as:
Our lives are just like a series of gears.
2008-05-01 12:26 am
Our lives are connecting to each other like gears. When you are working, you actually draw many other small and big gears to move as well in a tricky way; in fact we are unconsciously affecting each other. Quite often I think there are too many coincidences happening around; nevertheless, I believe nothing in this world just happens by chance but naturally. Every occurrence must have a causal relationship; it is actually not by chance even I bump into you in the street.
參考: me

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