please give me some ideas to write this essay !!

2008-04-30 6:30 pm
countries, including Thailand, there are increasingly strict laws about smoking, higher age-limits on drinking / entering clubs and even what age people can drive cars and motorcycles. Is it good or bad that many countries are becoming like Nanny State* Singapore? Discuss.

* Nanny State: Governments impose rules & restrictions on their citizens similar to how child-minders / parents control children.

回答 (1)

2008-04-30 7:55 pm
✔ 最佳答案
- First of all, no government should act as a nanny like the one in Singapore . If the citizens have enough education and awareness for the things they will do or they will do, any interference from the government like a nanny is actually an insult to the citizens.

- Nonetheless, a responsible government should do their best to protect their citizens from any misdeed which may cause bad effect to its citizen’s health, especially for the youngsters.

- Therefore a well balance between a nanny government and a responsible government should be well identified before any act or regulations are imposed.

- The first consideration should be on how bad an effect will be created if no rules nor restrictions are imposed.

- At the same time the government should also consider what is the side effect on imposing such restrictions or regulations.

- It is not an easy task and no guideline can be followed. Each country has their own consideration on different aspects of living. Therefore an policy imposed should be considered individually according to the domestic situation. Nothing can be achieved without wise and deep thinking and rational analysis.
參考: Myself

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