mind the gap ?

2008-04-30 6:04 pm
mind the gap 是否錯誤呢?
mind 應有兩個意思:(一)介意、厭惡;(二)小心 (有照顧的意思)
例如:mind me sitting here ?
mind the baby, mind your head, etc.
似乎不能對 gap 這裡死物有負面情緒或厭惡,所以 mind the gap 是錯嗎?
另外,似乎只聽人說 beware of dogs, beware of pickpockets,未聽過有 mind dogs or mind pickpockets 的說法,何解?

回答 (3)

2008-04-30 8:20 pm
✔ 最佳答案
mind 若用於疑問句或否定句裏,意思是有:不喜歡、厭惡、反對的意思,所以中文也譯做:介意

mind 用於正面的意思,其中一個也有照顧的意思,如:Could you mind my bag for a moment while I go to the toilet?

但mind也有:to be careful of, or give attention to something(中文譯做:小心,注意)
如:Mind that step!(注意台階!)
Mind your head!(小心,別碰著頭!)
Mind your language!(說話注意點!)

Mind 與 beware 雖然可以同樣有小心的意思,但這兩字的用法有點不同,beware 可以用在並非那麼逼切的情況,所以 beware of pickpockets,就指要留意:那些小偷,但那些小偷並不是登時偷你的錢,或是你還未在你眼前出現都可以,所以,就要提防(beware)

但 Mind 用作”小心”的時候,就是有即時小心的意思,或是叫你留意所能看到的事物,所以,mind your! head 就是你在即時並不小心的話,就會有危險(這個危險也是你能看到)。其實mind這個用法,很像我們廣東話”睇住呀!”的意思

其實英文,也有 mind the dog 這句,如:牛津高階第四版,在 mind 條下,就有一例:Mind the dog!(留神那條狗:那條狗是在你眼前)
2008-04-30 7:26 pm
如果RAINBOW所說屬實, MIND THE GAP 是英國地鐵最先採用, 那就必定是正確.

因為, 英語是英語國家的人使用的語言. 他們用的, 就是正確 (當然是以大部份人使用為準, 個別人士的錯誤不在此限, 正如個別香港人的中文也有錯)
2008-04-30 6:30 pm
“Mind the gap” is a warning to train passengers to remind them of the sometimes significant gap between the train door and the station platform.

Origin of the phrase –
The phrase “mind the gap” was first introduced in 1969 by the London Underground rapid transit system for a planned automated announcement, after it had become impractical for drivers and station attendants to frequently warn passengers about the gap between train and platform. The Underground management chose what was then a new technology, digital recording, in order to be able to save the announcement using solid state equipment that would have no moving parts. As storage capacity was highly expensive, the phrase had to be relatively short. A short warning would also be easier to fit in writing on the platform.

The Places It is Used –
It is also used as a warning by other transit systems in other cities & countries, such as Toronto, Hong Kong, Athens, Japan, etc.

Its Variant in Other Places -
In New York, “Watch the gap” is used instead of “Mind the gap”.

Another Meaning of This Phrase –
It is also frequently used metaphorically, meaning to mind the difference between what is real and what is not.

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