Chinese : [ 唔識佢比佢嚇死!識佢比佢笑死 ] What is the Meaning? Please !

2008-04-30 2:23 pm
[ 唔識佢比佢嚇死!識佢比佢笑死 ]

What is the Meaning? Please !

回答 (2)

2008-04-30 6:48 pm
✔ 最佳答案
It means that the guy you mentioned is a big mouth man/woman.
You will be deeply impressed by what he/she said at the very beginning but later on when you know the truth is just a bull shit saying , you will laugh at his/her naive behavior.

2008-04-30 10:48:53 補充:
**** is the word s h i t
2008-05-01 6:33 pm
我諗可能係講果個人行為異常, 識得佢個
人就知道佢ge性格係咁, 冇乜殺傷力. 如果
唔識得佢d人就會認為佢神經錯亂, 比佢嚇

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