
2008-04-30 8:47 am
大家好,黎緊6 月頭我會去布達佩斯,維也納同布拉格15天,我發覺那邊的天氣溫差比較大9 至20 度左右, 我想問下我應該怎樣執我的行李好呢??

另外我大約有EURO 1000夠用嗎?


回答 (4)

2008-04-30 11:12 am
✔ 最佳答案
氣溫方面, 通常都係清晨時份最凍, 但到o左接近中午會熱番, 晚上雖然會較清涼, 其實都係同依家香港清晨既氣溫差不多; 再加上你去旅行個陣會成日行路, 容易出汗, 所以著衫方面, 你可以入面著短袖衫, 再於外面加件較厚既長袖外套, 最好可以防水, 以防萬一落雨都可以暫時當作雨褸, 咁就最穩陣

東歐既消費平均不高, 如果你唔係勁大駛狂shopping的話, 一千蚊歐羅真係夠駛有餘
參考: 我去過大多數東歐國家, 包括捷克、匈牙利及奧地利
2008-05-04 11:40 am
No need to worry about the weather. In June, the day time will be a bit hot and in the morning and at night, it will be a bit cool but not very cold indeed. Just a thin jacket will be enough.

Among the three cities, Vienna will be the most expensive and most hotel will be over 100 euro. Budapest will be cheaper but nowadays is not as cheap as before.

Budapest is a beautiful city and I like the most. You should also try the hot spring there. Another city near Prague (Karlovy Vary) also famous in hot spring and you can try also.

If you are not prepared to spend lot of money in shopping, I think 1000 euro is enough. (not include accommodation fee)

Since you have 15 days, I suggest you can go to Salzburg also.

* I have been to East Europe before, like Czech, Hungary, Austria, Croatia, Slovenia, etc.

2008-05-04 03:42:35 補充:
You can buy the adaptor in 實惠
2008-05-01 9:32 am
到達布達佩斯時 要注意欺騙問題
有些東西 請貨比三家才不會吃虧喔

至於在布拉格 零錢是很重要的
上廁所 買車票 都是收零喔.
還有在舊城區 人多的地方要小心
有很多扒手 別讓自己的口袋 變成開口笑了.

2008-05-02 09:55:38 補充:
買圓孔 細孔的 就是了(歐洲專用的)
2008-05-01 4:32 am

2008-05-03 19:00:47 補充:

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