Sex after having our daughter?

2008-04-29 5:31 pm
It's been 10 weeks since I had our daughter, and sex hurts!! I can barely stand it at all. I had an episiotomy & I ripped so I had a lot of stiches. I'm all healed up, but it hurts when we try having our "alone time." How long will this last? And is there anything I can do to make it stop hurting?

回答 (24)

2008-04-29 5:53 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Perineal massage using plenty of lube might help reduce the pain. A dildo might make you aware of where the sensitive spots are and what positions you are most comfortable in. Wait till you are excited before you have sex. The endorphin will help numb the pain.
2008-04-29 5:34 pm
After having both my kids sex was uncomfortable for me for almost 3 months!! An i didnt even need stitches!! Think it just takes your lady part a few months to get back to normal!!
2008-04-29 5:34 pm
10 weeks is a long time to still be hurting. Go to the doc and let him know. You may not be completely healed.
2016-05-25 7:02 pm
She is probably existing on virtually no sleep, and sex would feel like a chore to her. Raising a newborn is a 24/7 full time job with no rest. Maybe help her out with the baby so she can have time to relax and get more in the mood.
2008-04-29 5:41 pm
A womans body is not fully recovered from childbirth until one year after her delivery (according to "What to expect when you are expecting") which is why they recomend that you wait one year before you have another baby. It just may be that you body has not completly healed yet and while ten weeks sounds like a long time if you think of everything that your body went through to have the baby, including tearing, it really isn't that long. Just give it time and if you want to continue having sex try some personal lubricant if that doesn't work talk to your doctor.
2008-04-29 5:37 pm
Yes, you shoudl see your docotor. Sometimes there may be a suture that is infected or some excess scar tissue. You would be about due for a pelvic anyway....pap smear and all that. But be honest and frank with your doctor and detailed.

And, if your OB/GYN made you uncomfortable in any way while you were birthing, then seek someone else. Sometimes the stitching is questionable and you are not likely to find the same OB/GYN admitting it if that's actually the case.
2008-04-29 5:37 pm
I tore in three places and I hurt for about 2 months after we were allowed to start again...just go slow and easy until you feel better. If you stop completely it will never get better. You don't want to numb it or you might hurt your self again.
2008-04-29 5:35 pm
Sorry you are having a hard time getting intimate with your partner, it will be uncomfortable for some time, but it probably hurts more because of your stitches. Just be patient, don't have sex if it hurts you too much just let your body go back to normal.
2008-04-29 5:35 pm
I had the exact same problem after I had my baby. It's like you are a virgin again, which is good considering a baby came out of you but it won't last too long, you have to keep trying though. It doesn't feel right for the first few times but then it will go away. Remember they sew you like you were new, hehe.
2008-04-29 5:34 pm
I started having sex again 2 weeks after our daughter was born. I was still sensitive down there though. My daughter is 11 weeks now and there are still times that I am sensitive down there. I asked the doctor and they said it is because I am breastfeeding, and once I stop I won't be so sensitive down there at the tear site.

EDIT: I don't know why I am getting thumbs down on this... am I wrong, or is my doctor wrong for telling me this?

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