關於美國入境問題 a greencard holder(20分)

2008-04-30 7:28 am
我想問 一個greencard holder 入美國境, 咁個staff 係咪會問d咩問題? 係咪會問你離境幾耐?

佢點知我幾時離境同離境幾耐? 我係咪冇得講大話?佢部電腦會唔會有record ? 佢點睇我個record? from greencard?

有人話出美國境冇記錄 係咪真? 如果係 咁我入境時 話我岩岩離境得唔得-.-?

我想知道入境ga 程序 同埋佢會睇d咩 問d 咩 同點睇?


-有人話 出境係冇紀綠? 但飛返去,問題係佢見你張係單程機票就知乜事 -出境真係冇紀綠ga? 唔係用 go to Canada first from US, then from Canada to other places 伊個method 係用 left US via other port or country.


-問題係佢見你張係單程機票就知乜事? 咁ja係 佢only 睇張機票 先知咩事? 但係佢可以用其他方法知我幾時出美國境? 同幾耐 ? 如果佢only 睇張機票 又出美國境冇記錄的話 咁話我岩岩離境咪得? 定係佢會double checkwith my answered destination. eg check HK Immigration and they will find out i have an entry record for x years?? by the way 我想問 有冇人拎左greencard 冇番去more than 7年 而又入到?

回答 (2)

2008-04-30 9:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
Yes, the US Immigration will ask you how long have you been away from US even if you are green card holder.

They know your record because their computer systems link all the departure points in US. You cannot tell lies in this case.

Yes there are ways that you leave US without any record, that is, go to Canada first from US, then from Canada to other places. The Immigration between Canada and US will not check all people passing through the borders. You may take a risk and tell them that you just left US for a short period to go to Canada , but if you already have a record that you left US via other port or country, then the US Immigration immediately knows that you are lying. The result can be very serious. They may even take away your green card.

As for入境程序, nothing special except on the points I mentioned above.

睇咩 – nothing special. They will not ask for your return tickets, etc. Make sure you have the Social Identity Card (issued by US) and your Driving License(if you have) with you when passing through the immigration.
參考: Myself
2008-05-01 9:01 am

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