
2008-04-30 7:25 am
點解係m(mass) 而不是weight(massx10)?


回答 (4)

2008-05-01 4:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
This is because of Newton s First Law of motion (the Inertia Law).

Mass (m) is a measure of inertia. The greater the inertia, the more reluctant an object is to start moving, or to change its state of uniform motion (i.e. speed).

Thus in order to change the state of motion of an object, a [force] is needed to overcome the inertia of the object. The greater the inertia, the larger the force will be. This is why the physical quantity [mass] is in place in the formula.

Be aware that inertia is an unique property of an object, whereas [weight] cannot be used to measure the inertia of the object because [weight] can be changed at different locations but [inertia] or [mass] doesn't not.
2008-04-30 7:43 am
這個m不是weight。因為在實驗中,作用在物件的淨力只是與重量和加速度成正比(即在淨力—重量圖中,是一條直線;在淨力—加速度圖中,也是一條直線),但淨力並不與weight 成正比(即在淨力—weight圖中,不是一條直線)
2008-04-30 7:39 am
其實f=ma 個f 係force m 係mass

而你講個個weight 係 force ga一種 can be calculate as w=mg , w=weight
2008-04-30 7:30 am

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