
2008-04-30 6:37 am

回答 (2)

2008-05-04 11:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 控後一般要負責帶波上前場, 一定需要好既帶球技術, 唔易被人偷波, 因為一甩就好易被人打快攻
2. 速度要快, 因為進攻時經常要靠速度引開對手, 入鍥走位分波, 射波或上籃, 偷到波時可以打快攻, 同時通常亦係防守人地外圍和快攻既防線
3. 傳波要準, 控後會好似指揮咁, 控制比賽節奏, 進攻開始時帶領和組織攻勢, 有需要時傳波給走空的隊友做助攻

做控球後衛, 基本上要練好帶波運球既技術, 同埋練跑增加耐力和速度
參考: me
2008-05-02 1:39 pm
控後 - PG, which is point guard. Main job is bring the ball up the court and distribute to your team-mate. Usually is the person who pass and dribble the best.

Since PG has the ball most of the time, he has to be careful with the ball, high assit to turn-over ratio is always a good way to know if he is a good point guard or not.

Quicker the better, you need to be able to penetrate into the paint area, and distribute the ball out to teammate in scoring position.
參考: myself

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