
2008-04-30 5:15 am
請問[打醮]既英文系咩?_?. [即系好似太平清醮戈d._.]

回答 (3)

2008-04-30 6:57 pm
✔ 最佳答案
A ceremony to release souls from purgatory performed by Taoist priest.

2008-04-30 16:23:19 補充:
purgatory (noun)

1. 滌罪
2. (常作P-)煉獄
3. 暫時的苦難

Taoist priest : 道士

to release souls from purgatory : 超度

ceremony : 儀式
2008-04-30 9:14 am
打醮 = perform a Taoist ritual ceremony
參考: Myself
2008-04-30 6:28 am
the taiping qingiao/dajiao festival
參考: hist bk

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