
2008-04-30 4:31 am
因地屬珠江三角洲,毗鄰港澳,距省會廣州不足100公裡,故水陸空交通十分便利。 公司專業從事承接PET加工業務,生產、銷售PP、HDPE再生塑料顆粒等。業務經營立足于五邑,面向國內,輻射海外。 公司實力雄厚,廠房佔地面積4萬平方米,生產技術人員多達200人,擁有一批先進的生產設備,企業年破碎量為40000噸、拉粒量為3000噸。 公司的經營,從回收料的選購、制作到再生產的包裝,再到交貨驗收,整個生產流程均有嚴格的監控,務求通過科學的管理,先進的工藝,高新的科技來實現企業的創新發展,使塑料資源的循環利用實現良性與高效。 我們本著“以誠合作、誠信經營、經濟環保”的宗旨,堅持“以質量求生存,以創新求發展”的經營理念,以優質的產品服務于客戶,以貼心的微笑來迎接客戶,力求讓客戶滿意,讓社會好評。 歡迎各企事業單位來電垂詢,洽談業務,希望與廣大客戶長期合作!
Because it is in the Zhujiang Delta, adjoins to Hong Kong and Macao, and is apart from the provincial capital Guangzhou insufficient 100 kilometers,the transportation is very convenient. The company is engaged in manufacturing and selling PET, PP, HDPE regeneration plastic pellet and so on. The business bases on Wuyi, face domestic, radiates the overseas. The company strength is abundant. Workshop covers an area of 40,000 square meters. The production technical personnel reach 200 people. And it has one batch of advanced production equipment. The enterprise year stave quantity is 40000 tons, pulls a grain of quantity is 3000 tons. From selecting and purchasing the recucling material ,mannfaturing and packing to delivery approval, the entire production process is the strict monitoring. The company’s management is sure that to use scientific management, advanced craft, new science and technoligy what come ture enterpise’s innovation development. By honest cooperation, good faith management, economical environmental protection is our objective. Strives for the survival by the quality, innovates strives for the development is our Management idea. Welcome comes the electricity to deign to inquire and discussion service. Hope to cooperate with customer in long-time.

回答 (1)

2008-04-30 11:05 am
✔ 最佳答案
Due to the Company’s favourite location as being part of the Zhujiang Delta, adjoining to Hong Kong and Macau , and within a short distance, i.e. less than 100 kilometers from the Provincial Capital Guangzhou, both transportations on the ground by cars or train, by boat or via planes are all very convenient.
The company is engaged in manufacturing and marketing of recycling plastic granule such as processing PET, producing and marketing PP and HDPE. Our business with its major operation in Wuyi. While we are dealing with the domestic markets, we are also expanding our business to the overseas markets. The company strength is huge with a workshop covering an area of 40,000 square meters, equipped with more than 200 technical professionals and many most advanced production equipments. Our yearly production of stave has been increased to 40,000 tons, grain pulling production is 3,000 tons.
From selecting and purchasing of the recycling materials ,manufacturing to packaging for a quality that can meet the final inspection criteria, the whole production process is under the strictest monitoring by the management. Our goal is to ensure that through the scientific management system, advanced techniques and newest technology, our products will fulfill the innovative development of the industry of recycling plastic materials. We hope our goal will help implementing the advantage and efficiency of recycling industry.
Our Company’s principle is led by Honesty. We apply this principle to areas including co-operation, marketing and environmental protection. We insist to maintain our survival in the industry by Qualify. Maintaining Innovation as base for development and expansion. Our policy is also guided by Faith. We serve our customers with faith, greeting our customers with the same goal that the customers want to achieve, so as to obtain the trust and satisfaction from the customers and maintain our social status.

2008-04-30 03:05:49 補充:
We welcome any enterprise to call and discuss with us on the business, and we hope we can be your long term partner in the near future !
參考: Myself, Myself

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