
2008-04-30 3:03 am
我班個English teacher話有個English說話1minute,而我in Monday就要說話1minute,but I don't know what I can say.

My English teacher and me有幾個規則要你們遵守:



3.寫... ...



回答 (2)

2008-05-08 1:20 am
I think you should find the pronunciation youself. Otherwise your English result will be very bad...

我諗你自己應該要搵番d 讀音唔好靠人地...否則的話你的英文成績會好差...
2008-05-03 12:02 pm
Sorry I want to answer your question in English. Do not be afraid because I will use simple English. You will not improve your English if you always rely on中文翻譯同讀音 !
What do you think I spent my time on Monday ?
I went to be a helper for the old people ! On Saturday my mother ask me if I want to help other people, and I told her yes, I want to !
Early Sunday morning, mother woke me up and took me for a quick breakfast. Then we went to see the old people and tried to help them. They are very poor. They all live by themselves so their homes were very dirty. My mum and I cleaned up the houses for these old people. They were so happy that they thanked us many times. After that mum and I went to the supermarket to buy the food for them like rice and oil because these food are too heavy for the old people to carry. I spent all day but I did not feel tired.
After we went home, I told my mum that I think helping the old people is a happy job. I beg her to bring me again next time !
(If there is any word that you do not know how to say, please send me a letter and I will teach you. Good luck on your speech on Monday !)
參考: Myself

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