「Heap Sort」的原理

2008-04-30 2:40 am
我想知「Heap Sort」的原理,唔該用中文,難明不要緊,但一定要扼要!

回答 (1)

2008-05-01 11:20 am
✔ 最佳答案
Heap is explained in 維基百科
The Wiki explanation of heaps is a little more graphical in English

Heap sort is nothing more than creating a heap, and then removing the root element one by one, and automatically it is in ascending order.
The part of heap sort that is harder to understand is maintaining a heap in place, as in an array. This is explained again in 維基百科
or in English, it is explained in more detail:

If you need more details, I can give you more specific explanations. As I am limited to 3 posts a day and 300 characters in subsequent posts, it is easier if you could post me your e-mail address to communicate directly.

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