
2008-04-29 11:14 pm

回答 (3)

2008-04-29 11:22 pm
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Magdalen 在1835 年4月10 日在維羅納去世。她使享福在羅馬在1941 年12月8 日。1988 年10月2 日她被將封為聖人,成為了ST. Magdalen Canossa 。

她的童年是怏怏不樂的。她五歲時她的父親猝死。兩年後, 她的母親留下她開始第二段婚姻。

五個Canossian家孤兒被委託於一名法國家庭女教師。她直覺認為Magdalene 是有天賦的。

Magdalene Canossa 17歲 她試圖到Carmelites 那裡離家生活,但 她瞭解這不是她的生活。她回到她的家庭,帶領全家渡過極端困難的時期。18 世紀末, 維羅納由法國人、奧地利人相繼佔領了,Canossa 宮殿住上了許多著名將軍和皇帝。

在短暫的世俗榮耀之中, Magdalene 逐漸淡出。她與上帝的連繫與日俱增, 同時她對被虐待的低下階層更加關心,及常施予援手。經過一場天花大病病癒後, Magdalen 感到上天召喚她去幫助窮人病者。1808 年她在維羅納跟幾個朋友開始了她的慈善工作。在1828 年12月23 日, 她的慈善組織慈善的女兒成立了。


Magdalene of Canossa (1774–1835) was an Italian nun. She was born to a Veronese family; her father died in 1779 and her mother abandoned her in 1781. In 1791 she spent time in a Carmelite cloister but decided this was not her vocation.

In 1808 she began charitable work in Verona, and in 1828 set up the Institute of the Daughters of Charity (not to be confused with the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul). She was beatified on December 8, 1941, and was canonized by Pope John Paul II on October 2, 1988. Her feast day is May 8.

Since her time, schools have been started in her name in many countries, often but not necessarily catering to the hearing-impaired; see the Canossian School in Singapore and St. Mary's Canossian College in Hong Kong.

Mother Josephine Bakhita from Sudan has also been named as a Canossian saint.
2008-04-30 10:42 pm
Hi Michelle! I am liz!


Magdalen 在1835 年4月10 日在維羅納去世。她使享福在羅馬在1941 年12月8 日。1988 年10月2 日她被將封為聖人,成為了ST. Magdalen Canossa 。

她的童年是怏怏不樂的。她五歲時她的父親猝死。兩年後, 她的母親留下她開始第二段婚姻。

五個Canossian家孤兒被委託於一名法國家庭女教師。她直覺認為Magdalene 是有天賦的。

Magdalene Canossa 17歲 她試圖到Carmelites 那裡離家生活,但 她瞭解這不是她的生活。她回到她的家庭,帶領全家渡過極端困難的時期。18 世紀末, 維羅納由法國人、奧地利人相繼佔領了,Canossa 宮殿住上了許多著名將軍和皇帝。

在短暫的世俗榮耀之中, Magdalene 逐漸淡出。她與上帝的連繫與日俱增, 同時她對被虐待的低下階層更加關心,及常施予援手。經過一場天花大病病癒後, Magdalen 感到上天召喚她去幫助窮人病者。1808 年她在維羅納跟幾個朋友開始了她的慈善工作。在1828 年12月23 日, 她的慈善組織慈善的女兒成立了。


Magdalene of Canossa (1774–1835) was an Italian nun. She was born to a Veronese family; her father died in 1779 and her mother abandoned her in 1781. In 1791 she spent time in a Carmelite cloister but decided this was not her vocation.

In 1808 she began charitable work in Verona, and in 1828 set up the Institute of the Daughters of Charity (not to be confused with the Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul). She was beatified on December 8, 1941, and was canonized by Pope John Paul II on October 2, 1988. Her feast day is May 8.

Since her time, schools have been started in her name in many countries, often but not necessarily catering to the hearing-impaired; see the Canossian School in Singapore and St. Mary's Canossian College in Hong Kong.

Mother Josephine Bakhita from Sudan has also been named as a Canossian saint.
2008-04-29 11:18 pm
嘉 諾 撒 仁 愛 女 修 會 (F.D.C.C.)


會祖:瑪大肋納‧嘉諾撒(Magdalene of Canossa)



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