想翻譯成英文句子..請勿大力推門, 謹防意外發生 (Thanks!)

2008-04-29 6:10 pm

請勿大力推門, 謹防意外發生

謹防門後有人, 請勿大力推門.

如果上面兩句都唔好既話, 會唔會有其他好D既? 我想表達既係, 叫D人唔好大力推門以免撞親門後面既人.


回答 (6)

2008-04-29 7:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
請勿大力推門, 謹防意外發生. 謹防門後有人, 請勿大力推門.
Please don't push the door too hard, beware that someone behind the door.
參考: Self
2008-05-06 9:48 am
Check before you push, somebody may be at the back of this door.
2008-05-04 8:08 am
Don't push hard on the doors. Mind the doors behind you.
2008-05-02 7:54 am
Do not give the door a hard push, beware someone is behind.
2008-04-29 6:46 pm
Beware someone behind the door, avoid accident!
2008-04-29 6:25 pm

Hello, some suggestions as below:

1) Please mind behind of the door and do not close the door hardly.
2) Someone behind the door! Kindly push the door softly.
3) Push the door before you check behind it!

Thank you.

Thank you.

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