
2008-04-29 4:59 pm
菜式方面,為了容易控制成本及整個活動的運作,我們會設定 Set Menu給參加者選擇,雖然如此,Menu內的菜式比較大眾化,當中主菜包括有豬、牛、雞、魚類等,給參加者不同的選擇,而甜品方面,會選用朱古力來制作出各式精美的甜點,希望令參加者有個甜蜜及浪漫的回憶。

回答 (3)

2008-04-29 6:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
原文的中文十分累贅, 可以簡潔一點嗎? 這是按意思寫成的英文. 如果保留原文的結構, 效果不會好.
We will serve western cuisine during the event to cater to the westernised dining preference of Hong Kong people. The great variety of courses and cozy atmostphere that are associated with a western-style dinner will serve as an catalyst for success of the event. In an quiet and relaxing environment, participants will have sufficient time to get to know each other or to exchange ideas about their favourite cuisines while they enjoy the string of courses.
Set menu with choices of main course will be served to achieve best cost-effectiveness and ensure a smooth flow of activities. Choices of main course will come with popular dishes like pork, steak, chicken and fish. To create a sweet memory for all participants, chocolate dessert will be served to bring the dinner to a perfect close.
本次活動將以西式晚餐形式進行, 以迎合香港人愛好西餐的口味. 西式晚餐菜色選擇繁多, 晉餐環境浪漫寧靜, 也正好配合活動的主題; 參加者按次序享用多道精美菜色時, 便可把握充裕時間, 與伴侶交流飲食心得, 更可互相了解.
(130字--> 105字)
為使活動順利進行, 加上考慮成本效益, 晚餐以SET MENU方式供應. 主菜的選擇務求迎合大部份人的口味, 有豬, 牛, 雞, 魚類供挑選. 一道精美的巧克力甜品將為晚餐畫上完美句號, 讓每位參加者留加既甜密又浪漫的回憶.
參考: 不是高手 只是盡力
2008-04-29 11:34 pm
本次活動將以西式晚餐形式進行, 以迎合香港人愛好西餐的口味. 西式晚餐菜色選擇繁多, 晉餐環境浪漫寧靜, 也正好配合活動的主題; 參加者按次序享用多道精美菜色時, 便可把握充裕時間, 與伴侶交流飲食心得, 更可互相了解.

為使活動順利進行, 加上考慮成本效益, 晚餐以SET MENU方式供應. 主菜的選擇務求迎合大部份人的口味, 有豬, 牛, 雞, 魚類供挑選. 一道精美的巧克力甜品將為晚餐畫上完美句號, 讓每位參加者留加既甜密又浪漫的回憶.

This event is going to served as the style of wertern-cuisine,to content Hong Kong residents with their favorable diet. There are plenty of variaties during dinner of Western-cuisine, with the silence and romantic atmosphere to match up with the event's topic; as attenders enjoying their gourmet , they will be capable to discussed about their favorites and enhance of acquaintance with others simultaneously.

Dinner will served as SET MENU mode according to the effectiveness of the costs , and be able to proceed the event successfully.The main dishes will provide options of popular diets like:pork,beef,chicken and fish to ensure satification of majority.By the end, a delicately and delicious chocolate dessert is going to draw an impeccable period to the event, allow every attenders suffered to a romantic and enjoyable memories.
2008-04-29 6:17 pm
In this event, we will provide Western-style Cuisine evening banquet to all of our participants. The reason we have chosen to provide western cuisine is because Hong Kong people diet habits are a bit westernized and we can offer more different varieties of food.

Western restaurants usually give people the feeling of a peaceful, with sentiment and romantic environment. Normally, having a western style cuisine will take longer than other cuisine’s meal.

Our main purpose of this event is to offer the participants more time to enjoy the delicious food and also exchange their eating attainment and get to know other companions.

In the cuisine aspect, in order to control the cost and the entire event’s operation, the participants will choose from our Set Menu. The extensive Menu offers a wide selection of popular dishes. The participants can choose from a variety of meat – from Pork or Beef to Chicken or Fish for their main course.

For dessert, we have selected to use chocolate to provide various types fine sweet snack, wishing the participants to have a happy and romantic memory.

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