
2008-04-29 4:12 pm




回答 (2)

2008-05-01 4:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
這是為BABY-G做的2段廣告, LOGO用了5秒加15秒的內容, 2段廣告都是有關聯的, 都是說出手錶的貴重與防水

These two sections of advertisements were done for BABY-G. The Logo used 5 second plus 15 seconds of contents. All of 2 sections of advertisements were relevant. They all said about how precious and the waterproofing the watch is.

先看第1段, 一開始看到手錶內零件的運作, 而慢慢看到錶身, 水滴滑落後手錶還在動表現出防水. 環境營造出水底洞穴的感覺, 四處佈滿礦物, 表現出貴重. 其寜靜的環境與手錶作出對比,吸引人注意力

First look at the 1st section, from the beginning we can see the operation of components of the watch. Then it changed to the body slowly. The watch also works after the water drops on it to show the waterproofing. The environment makes us feel the cavern under the sea. It covers the mineral entirely and shows how precious it is. The quiet environment makes the contrast with the watch, and it is very appealing.


At the beginning of the 2nd section we can see an ore getting from the sky to the sea fastly. Finally it turns to the watch to make a powerful feeling. It also uses a dolphin to set the watch off to attract ladies to pay attention.


The 1st section of advertisement builds well entirely. Although the modelling is simple, the coordination of the material quality and the light and the environment all fits well. In the 2nd section of advertisement, it shows the watch is good. I like it very much. But at the beginning, the sea and the watch seem not to be too consistent, thus I think the sea is not too attractive.
參考: Myself! I spend too much time to translate it!
2008-05-01 1:47 am




This was is 2 sections of advertisements which BABY-G did, LOGO uses 5 second Canadian 15 seconds contents,2 sections of advertisements all to have the connection, all was says the wristwatch to be precious and the waterproofing

First looks at the 1st section, as soon as starts to see in the wristwatch the components operation, but slowly saw the table body, after the waterdrop falls the wristwatch also to move displays the waterproofing The environment builds under water the cavern feeling, covers entirely the mineral in all directions, displays precious Its static environment and the wristwatch make the contrast, attracts the person attention.

The 2nd section as soon as starts is saw breaks in the sea to ore from the sky, turns the wristwatch, builds shocks the strength Again uses the porpoise to serve as contrast the wristwatch to attract ladies to pay attention

The 1st section of advertisement whole builds well, although the modelling is simple, but the material quality, the light, the environment coordination all very much links up But 2nd section of advertisement although the wristwatch makes good, I also very much like, but as soon as starts the sea looks like not too consistently with the wristwatch, thus thought the sea not too is attractive.
參考: 網上翻譯=]

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