
2008-04-29 2:32 pm
聯合國《兒童權利公約》,保證了兒童受教育的權利,不受人種、膚色、性別、語言、 宗教、政治或其他取向、國籍、種族或文化背景、財產、殘障、出生或其他身份地位而受影響。兒童就是兒童,權利只此一家,別無分號,更無歧視。





綜合以上的分析,筆者認爲融合是基於滿足所有學生的多樣的 (diverse)需要的信念, 在具有接納、歸屬、和社區感文化氛圍的鄰近學校內的高質量、年齡適合的班級裏爲特殊兒童提供平等接受高效的教育與相關服務的機會。

著名的融合教育的倡導者W. Stainback和S. Stainback (1984)首先對現存的特殊教育與普通教育二者相互隔離、各自平行發展的雙軌制教育體系(dual system)提出明確的批評並倡導融合教育,認爲特殊教育與普通教育應該“重新組合、建構、融合爲一個統一的教育體系以滿足所有兒童的學習需要。

回答 (3)

2008-04-30 4:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)The United Nations "Convention on the Rights of Children", had
guaranteed the child the right which educates, not the race, the skin
color, the sex, the language, the religion, politics or other
orientations, the nationality, the race or the cultural context, the
property, remnantly bonds, the birth or other status statuses receives
affects. The child is the child, right only this, no other the
semicolon, does not have the discrimination.

2)Teaches all comers without discrimination meaning: The person no
matter the rich and the poor, the birth region, the status height, intelligent or is stupid, all may carry on the education. Kong Zi said teaching all
comers without discrimination, had pointed out the education
importance, has contained the equal thought, today our everybody also
may enter the school to accept the education, still practiced the
position which Kong Zi proposed.

3)An inch time inch gold, studies the time is more precious than the
gold, much less the child studies the year, is not necessarily may
make up. Tramples the child to study the right the wrong decision,
should receive local and international society's condemnation.

4)If can guarantee in the society all people (no matter has disability)
to be possible to enjoy the equal the education opportunity, we these
precious resources then can obtain the sufficient share the
development, society's competitive ability also can maintain.

5)The fusion is one kind of value tendency. It all is authorized to by
all special children with the same age child in is together natural,
the normal environment the life and the study premise. Therefore
fuses not merely is simply places the special child to the ordinary
classroom, it emphasized gives the student the equal participation all
schools activity the opportunity.

參考: Yahoo!奇摩
2008-04-30 4:09 pm
[ 己帮你由中譯英] : The United Nations "Convention on the Rights of Children", had
guaranteed the child the right which educates, not the race, the skin
color, the sex, the language, the religion, politics or other
orientations, the nationality, the race or the cultural context, the
property, remnantly bonds, the birth or other status statuses receives
affects. The child is the child, right only this, no other the
semicolon, does not have the discrimination.

Teaches all comers without discrimination meaning: The person no
matter , the birth region, the status height, intelligent or is
stupid, all may carry on the education. Kong Zi said teaching all
comers without discrimination, had pointed out the education
importance, has contained the equal thought, today our everybody also
may enter the school to accept the education, still practiced the
position which Kong Zi proposed

An inch time inch gold, studies the time is more precious than
the gold, much less the child studies the year, is not necessarily may
make up. Tramples the child to study the right the wrong decision,
should receive local and international society's condemnation.

If can guarantee in the society all people (no matter has disability)
to be possible to enjoy the equal the education opportunity, we these
precious resources then can obtain the sufficient share the
development, society's competitive ability also can maintain.

The fusion is one kind of value tendency. It all is authorized to by
all special children with the same age child in is together natural,
the normal environment the life and the study premise. Therefore
fuses not merely is simply places the special child to the ordinary
classroom, it emphasized gives the student the equal participation all
schools activity the opportunity


2008-04-30 08:13:01 補充:
Above the synthesis analysis, the author recognizes the fusion is
based on satisfies all students the faith which is diverse (diverse)
to need, in has admits, the ownership, and in the community feeling

2008-04-30 08:14:12 補充:
culture atmosphere neighbor school high grade, the age suitable class
and grade special children provides the equality to accept the
highly effective education and the correlation service opportunity.

2008-04-30 08:16:11 補充:
Famous fusion education initiator W. Stainback and S. Stainback
(1,984) first mutually isolates, each one parallel development
two-track system education system to the extant special education and

2008-04-30 08:16:49 補充:
the general education two (dual system) proposed the explicit
criticism and the initiative fusion education, recognizes the
special education and the general education should "recombine,

2008-04-30 08:17:08 補充:
construct the construction, a fusion unified education system meets
all children's study needs.
2008-04-29 8:34 pm
i donot know
參考: 123

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