
2008-04-29 1:09 pm
我個親戚係住係 Wadebridge 的,我planning 會在Heathrow 坐 National Express Coaches 由 Heathrow 去 Wadebridge,這個途徑好嗎?有何其他建議?

回答 (2)

2008-04-30 7:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
唔sure 你去邊是cornwall那一個嗎?btw你可以試下用呢個網去plan行程,佢有多種路徑door to door希望幫到你
2008-04-29 4:23 pm
you can take the tube to paddington station (under 5 pounds),from there with train to wadebridge
under 3 hours (one way from 9 pounds).www.nationalrail.co.uk

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