Is it possible to become a lawyer and a doctor?

2008-04-28 8:32 pm
I know that you can double major, but I was wondering if you can double major in pre-med and pre-law and then in med school and law school.
Two questions:
-Is it allowed/possible?
-What would the work load be like?

Please don`t answer unless you have some kind of experience with this. Don`t say "well medical school is SUPPOSED to be really hard." Please answer if you or someone you know is a lawyer or doctor or if you have some other way of knowing besides common belief.

Thanks. :)

回答 (9)

2008-04-28 8:41 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are actually a few combined MD/JD programs out there, so yes, it's possible.

You don't major in premed or major in whatever you like (which if you're interested in law, is probably poli sci, history, philosophy, etc) and also take the premed series of classes. It's definitely possible.

That said, by the time you near the time to apply, your interests will probably have shifted strongly from one to another (for instance, the vast majority of people who start college as a premed do not end up applying to med school). Your interests and perspective on the world will change, and that's ok.

Also, think hard about why you want to do both, because your ultimate career should incorporate both's unrealistic to have half of a law practice and half of a medical practice, and so you shouldn't do it just because you think both are cool or can't decide. People who get both degrees end up either never using one or, and this is the minority, go on to do specific blended career. For most careers where you would think the MD/JD would be useful, however, it's usually a waste of time.....lawyers focusing on medical law hire doctors for expert medical knowledge, and medical administrators end up hiring lawyers for legal issues (because there's not time to do both yourself).

I'm not too familiar with the combined MD/JD programs, but most combined MD/other degree programs work in that you do one degree and then the other, or do the preclinical years of med school, stop and do the other degree, and then go back to do the clinical years so you are prepared to continue on to residency.
2008-05-01 12:37 am
參考: It was in the movies ....catch me if you can
2008-04-28 8:46 pm
The real question is this: Why would you *want* to do both?

A double-major in pre-med and pre-law would, in itself, be challenging, because there's very little crossover. (Double-majors are generally easiest when they are in similar fields, so there's a lot of relation between courses, and many courses satisfy requirements for both degrees.)

Moreover, you would not be able to do both law school and med school at the same time, unless you wanted to do one (or probably both) part time. (Part time law students, in my experience, usually take upwards of 5 years to get their degrees.)

But the most compelling point is that you would be absolutely unable to *use* both degrees. As a lawyer, there are fields in which an understanding of medicine is very useful (health, personal injury, intellectual property), but none of those require anything close to the kind of expertise you'd get at med school. As a doctor, some understanding of the law is useful, but there are classes within med school that teach you the areas that you need to know.

In the end, you would need to choose one or the other. In the mean time, you'd be spending an absurd amount of time and money to try to sit on the fence.
參考: Completion of a law degree (and some familiarity with med school through colleagues in that program)
2008-04-28 8:38 pm
Sure, you can do that. However, you can't do medical school and law school at the same time. Even one of them is too much for many people, and grad schools often make you agree not to even get a job while you are in the program - entering two programs at once is completely out of the question. You'll have to do one first, then the other. So that's about 12 years of college. But yes, it's possible.
2016-11-29 1:52 am
Yes. You can simple finish law school first then go to med school or vice versa but that would take a long time
2016-10-22 6:01 pm
Doctor And Lawyer
2016-04-07 2:34 pm
For the best answers, search on this site

Sure it's possible - but WHY would you want to do this? We already have way too many lawyers (I am assuming you are in the USA). Law school is VERY expensive. And you won't be able to find a job when you are done with your studies. If you want employment with a future - go medical. Forget law. Do a search here on Y/A to see what other posters are saying about the current status of the vocational field of Law. (The news isn't good.)
2008-04-28 9:08 pm
Meg,i thought you wanted to be a hunter...though i know how it feels. I want to be a psychiatrist so badly....
2008-04-28 8:49 pm
I never knew that there were combined programs out there, have never heard of that but if so, that is one way to do it. I do know people who have done both, you do not do them together, you do them one at a time. I know people who went straight to law school after med school (very easy to get into law school after being in med school) and I know people who were practicing attorneys who went back to school to become doctors. You would be in for a very long haul of education but it is doable and people are doing it. You dont major in pre med BTW, you major in whatever you want and then apply to med school.
Also, you would definitely be able to use both. you could serve as an attorney for a large HMO or as a malpractice attorney. I really dont know how you could use the law degree though if you were actually planning to see patients and take care of them
2008-04-28 8:44 pm
Its possible, but not at the same time. It is just physically unpossible, and there are no joint programs out there. Most do med school first, then law second, witht he intention to practice malpractice. I forget the name of the degree, but there is a specialized degree for it. I did med school, and I can't see how anyone would want to do it, just because of how tiring med school was.

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