08AL UE writing 出左咩topic?

2008-04-29 6:37 am
我想知今年UE writing 出左咩題目ar~

回答 (1)

2008-04-29 7:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
UE Section (B) 2008 (超左字數,所以要分開答)

1. Students often access Internet blogs and social network sites so that they can share their views in a public forum. However, there are dangers in giving too many personal details. Write an essay to be published on your school website about this dilemma with reference to one experience you had when using the Internet. Discuss what should be made public and what should remain private, making clear your views on how the freedom to say what you want can be balanced with protecting your own and other people s privacy. Give your essay a title.

2. Your school has invited three professionals- an architect, a film director and an enviromental consultant- to speak at an assembly on the topic : Shaping Hong Kong . Justin Lee, the teacher organising the assembly, has asked students to prepare some questions for discussion after they have finished speaking. Write a letter suggesting TWO questions, stating which professional each question is for. Explain why you think the issues would be of interest to the audience. Sign your name : Chris Wong .

to be continued.....

2008-04-28 23:16:11 補充:
所以...如果想要,我可用e-mail send 比你~唔好意思!
參考: from myself ^^

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