It's so great to have you in (XX)!

2008-04-29 5:30 am
I had met two European guy when I was traveling in different country.
After I came back, they both sent me an email with this sentence.
Is it very common to say such thing for an European guy to girls?
I totally understand there's no any special meaning but I just wondered why they would say the same thing, even they come from different country.

Actually, I stayed few days with them at their house. I think they said such thing not because of celebrity. They just wanna say it's so great to have me with them at their house.


Yes, XX means a country or a city or a town where they come from. I realize they were just being nice to me and I replied them with big thanks already. Thanks for your explanation.

回答 (1)

2008-04-29 7:27 am
✔ 最佳答案
Wel, I think that they are just being nice to some girl they have met. Two guys said the same thing to you is a coincident too. It's so great to have you in (XX) is definitely not common.
No matter how, don't you agree that it is a bit exaggerate to say something like that provide that you are not a celebrity.

2008-04-29 10:27:23 補充:
XX means a country or a city or a town?

As I said, I think it is a coincidence that both guys said the same sentence. No matter how, it is warm and sweet.

2008-05-01 22:04:19 補充:
I think you handled it well.

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