E個is「神奇水馬騮」說明書Please help me 翻譯.....

2008-04-29 5:03 am
The most rapid hatching of the baby Sea-Monkey is when the water is at
78。F or 26。C cooler temperatures may result in longer hatching times-
sometime up to 7 day!!!
Sea-Monkey eggs vary in shell thickness.Those with thinner eggshells
hatch faster.Those eggs with thicker shells take longer to hatch-day even!
OXYGEN: Gentlystir the water in your tank for the first 4 days after you add pounch # 1. use a clean plastic spoon to stir the water, which will help to add the needed oxegen for the baby Sea-Monkeys to breath.
HEALTHY LIGHT; North of the equator, place your tank in a North-facing window so that it gets light...but not direct sunlight - which will help algae, the favorite food for your pets to grow and multiply.
FEEDING:Feed the babies on Day 5 after pouring in Pounch #2. use the small spoon ot add food to the water. feed the Sea-Monkeys only when the water is clear. too much food will cause them to suffocate.
EVAPORATION in the tank is naturaland it causes the water in the tank to get lower and lower. refill with bottled drinking water, which is at the same temperature as the tank water.
MORE INFORMATION: Please go to www.sea-monkeys.com and download the Perfect Procedure for Perfect Pets and the After-Market Parts and Supply
List.You can also browse all of the interesting FAQ on our site.
If you do not have lnternet access,please send a Self-Addressed Stamped
Envelope toTranscience Corp,PO BOX 809,Bryan's Road,MD20616 to get the
forms and bonus materials sent to you.If you live in on of the countries e the outside USA or Canada,go to www.sea-monkeys.com and click on your
country's flag.Send your request for informaion to the distributor for your
Have fun and always take care of your Sea-Monkey pets and the family will
lost for years

回答 (2)

2008-04-29 8:01 pm
✔ 最佳答案
神奇水馬騮在華氏78度或攝氏26度的水中孵化最快, 如水温低於此水平, 孵化需時或許延至七天之久.
水馬騮的卵外膜厚度不一. 外膜較薄者孵化較快, 厚者孵化較慢.
放第一號 pounch (字典查不到這個字, 是否pouch, 袋?)之後, 在首四天內用清潔的塑膠湯匙輕輕攪動水缸裡的水, 為水缸增氧, 讓水馬騮幼雛呼吸.
如你生活於北半球, 水缸應朝北方放置, 讓它吸收適度但不是直接照射的太陽光, 以便藻類大量繁殖, 成為水馬騮的最佳飼料.
到了第五天, 把二號袋放進水缸, 隨即開始餵飼水馬騮幼雛. 用小湯匙把飼料放進水缸, 留意餵飼時水質要清澈, 也不要過量放飼料, 因為水馬騮會因此窒息.
水缸模擬自然環境. 水量會因蒸發作用而減少. 用瓶裝飲用水補充水量, 注意補充水的水温應與缸中水温一致.
其他資料: 參看本公司網站: www.sea-monkeys.com , 可供下載的資料有: 完備養飼指南冊, 補充用品指南, 商品目錄. 來自顧客的熱門發問和本公司回應也可供參考.
如果你不便使用互聯網, 請寄回郵信封 (附郵票) 來本公司索取資料, 地址是: Transcience Corp,PO BOX 809,Bryan's Road,MD20616
美國和加拿大以外的顧客, 可以登入本公司網站, 點擊你所屬國家的國旗圖案, 便可將要求傳達至本地的代理商
希望你飼養水馬騮愉快 !!

2008-05-03 3:49 am

神奇水馬騮在華氏78度或攝氏26度的水中孵化最快, 如水温低於此水平, 孵化需時或許延至七天之久.


水馬騮的卵外膜厚度不一. 外膜較薄者孵化較快, 厚者孵化較慢.


放第一號 pounch (字典查不到這個字, 是否pouch, 袋?)之後, 在首四天內用清潔的塑膠湯匙輕輕攪動水缸裡的水, 為水缸增氧, 讓水馬騮幼雛呼吸.

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