除墨水污漬 (緊急!!!)

2008-04-29 3:50 am
我的白裇衫和白色校褲染有黑色墨水 , 試過用牛奶和漂白水洗 , 都洗 唔甩 , 請教還有其它有效方法嗎?

回答 (2)

2008-04-29 4:03 am
✔ 最佳答案
參考: 自己
2008-04-29 7:54 am
I bought correcting pen in Jusco before...
it is brand of ((Tide)))..
just next to the washing powder for clothings
(I cant find it in other supermarket!!0

It is just like a marker pen in orange and white colr, and sa packing in same color.
u just ask the shop worker where is it they will know..
it is onlt $20 something ..very cheap
it can clean the dirt made by pen ink or food also...
100% work in my experience..
it is small u can keep in ur hand bag everyday~!!

haha..I lok like a sales...
hope it can help
參考: Karen

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