可唔可以翻譯以下文章 , 英→中 ..thx!!
If the earth were spinning just like a rubber ball, there would only be days and nights on earth, but no seasons, and days would always be the same length as nights – 12 hours each. However, that is not how the earth spins. It spins with its axis tilted. Its axis is always at the angle to the plane of its orbit – an angle of about twenty-three and a half degrees.
It is this tilting that accounts for our four seasons and the lengthening and shortening of days and nights. For this reason also, the Equator (an imaginary line drawn around the earth at equal distance from the two poles) is not always directly under the sun’s rays.
我唔明佢講乜 ,, 特別最後一句, thx!!!!!!!!!