SWOT of Macau Hotel Industry

2008-04-29 12:48 am
i would like to know SWOT of Macau Hotel Industry.


回答 (2)

2008-05-07 12:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
A study of macro-environment could offer many insights to management and managers of an organization for whom how to set up their strategies to adapt ever environment changes.
Today macro-environmental changes may refer to the six major forces such as the shifts of policy & regulation of government, economy, socio cultural matter, technology; globalization, and demographic ( PEST +GD).
For instances, there have been some major changes of macro-environment in HK & China as of 1997-2007
Policy and Regulations: The handover of the regime in 1997 to our motherland, signed CEPA-II; Open traveling market to individual mainlanders of certain cities in China; RMB currency open to conversion; GST (Selling Tax) is being negotiated & debated; the approval of qualified foreign direct investment in China & qualified domestic investment and the like.
Economy: economy downturns in 1997 and also 2001 & 2003(the terror on Sep11 & SARS disease that were failed to predict); China accession to WTO in 2001; Continues rising of gross domestic product and inflation rate; declining jobless rate shall reach about 4.0%; Price of crude oil rising continues and shall reach usd80 per barrel; China industrialization still continues.
Socio-cultural matters: the pursuit of The Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing ; New Disney established in HK; the mass establishment of casinos and hotel in Macau .
Technology: The set up of new airport at Chap Lap Kok, Airport express, West-rail and Ma-rail; the use & becoming high popularity of RFID, electronic money, WIFI, 3G communications. Wide bodied aircraft of the A380 took off virgin flying.
2014-03-24 11:13 pm
我們提供特價酒店、機票、自遊行、旅行團及門票等,代辦香港遊、澳門遊、中國內地遊、東南亞遊及國際遊; 代訂香港、澳門、中國各城市及世界各地機票和酒、船票、歐洲火車票、直通巴士票、私人及工商包團、團體機票或酒店﹑郵輪旅遊、獨立組團、商務旅遊、渡假會議、員工旅遊及租車服務等; 代售海洋公園、香港迪士尼樂園及昂坪360門票,同時代辦旅遊保險等。http://www.chenhuitours.com/hotel.php

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