中興通訊 Apr 24 除淨, but I don't see the 紅股 in my account? Why?

2008-04-29 12:04 am
中興通訊 Apr 24 除淨, 末期息25分人民幣,兼10送4紅股. When will these deposit to my account?

回答 (2)

2008-04-29 12:26 am
✔ 最佳答案

除淨日 : 4/24 並不代表派息日, 開市當日會扣除股息作為開市價, 所以叫除淨日. 你可以於此日或以後沽出都會收到股息.

派息日 : 未有公佈 (由於股息之截止過戶日期 : 2008/04/26 - 2008/05/26), 應該是05/26之後會過戶俾你, 確實派息日請留意各大報章公佈.
2008-04-29 9:27 am
If I bought some 763 on 23/4 when it was around $42 .
because it 除淨 on 24/4 and the price reduced to around $32 on 24/4.
If I sold those 763 now ~
$42 - $32 ~~ I still lost $10 ~~ right ??

anyone can understand my que. and help me ????? I am new to the stock market ~ hehe

2008-04-29 01:27:31 補充:
If I bought some 763 on 23/4 when it was around $42 .
because it 除淨 on 24/4 and the price reduced to around $32 on 24/4.
If I sold those 763 now ~
$42 - $32 ~~ I still lost $10 ~~ right ??

anyone can understand my que. and help me ????? I am new to the stock market ~ hehe
參考: me

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