[URGENT-20pts!] Rational Functions

2008-04-28 9:34 pm
Cost-Benefit Model: A untility company burns coal to generate electricity. The cost C (in dollars) of removing p amount (percent) of the smokestack pollutants is given by: C= 80000p/(100-p)

Is it possible for the company to remove 100 percent of the pollutants? Discuss why or why not, and support your response by using algebraic analysis on the given model.

What happens if the company does try to remove 100 percent of the pollutants? Will the company be successful at doing so, or will the attempt end in failure, that is, will it be much expense for the company?

回答 (1)

2008-04-28 10:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
no. it is not possible for the company to remove 100% of
the pollutants. it is because the cost will be very high.
when p=100, 100-100=0
so the fraction will become C=8000000/0
the company will be at totally loss. it is because
it will be much expense for the company.

收錄日期: 2021-04-25 14:20:43
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