問英文 - 點講

2008-04-28 6:50 pm
問英文 - 請問

1) 睇醫生 點講
2) 覆診點講


回答 (6)

2008-04-28 7:14 pm
✔ 最佳答案
看醫生可以簡單說:see a doctor,如:
You must see a doctor(你一定要看醫生)
而覆診可以說:subsequent visit,如:
The patient needs regular subsequent visits.
或可以講為:further follow-up medical appointment.也可以

2008-04-29 12:32 am
1. 外國人不會說 “go to see a doctor”
他們會說 “I am go to a doctor.” or “I will see a doctor.”

2. I have a follow-up appointment with my doctor.
2008-04-28 8:02 pm
1) 睇醫生 點講 - To consult a doctor 找醫生看病.
If you say TO SEE A DOCTOR (棎訪醫生,而非看病) which means you are seeing a friend & he/she just happened to be a doctor.
2) 覆診點講 - Medical appointment. or: to attend a routine medical appointment.
參考: Own
2008-04-28 7:57 pm
1.see a doctor
2.revisit a doctor
參考: me
2008-04-28 7:26 pm
I had to go to ......
- visit the Doctor
- revisit the Doctor


I am going to ......
- see the Doctor (or I am going to the Doctor)
- revisit the Doctor
2008-04-28 7:08 pm
1. 很簡單 : go to see a doctor
2. to attend a consultation session

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