How to play 拋 空 ?

2008-04-28 6:38 pm
as above.........................................................How to play 拋 空 ?

回答 (2)

2008-05-08 3:58 pm
✔ 最佳答案
經常在財經消息中聽到沽空/拋空這個詞語,到底是什麼來?沽空/拋空多數都會應用於股票市場中,簡單來說可以說是"買跌",例如當看淡一隻股票後市,可以從經紀中借股票來沽出股票,等待股價下跌時買回股票不倉獲利。 試打個簡單例子,某某股票現時股價 100 元,現在看淡後市而在經紀中以 100 元沽出 10000 股票,即是沽出股票而套現 100元 X 10000 股 = 1000000元,現股價下跌至 80元,再以 80 元買回股票還回給經紀,即是 80元 X 10000 股 = 800000,再還回 10000 股給經紀,就是,套現 1000000 還回 800000 而獲利 200000。



祝好運 ^^
2008-04-29 10:47 am
actually you can not 拋 空 without having that specific stocks on hand under the HKEX regulations.

However, if you really want to 拋 空 and you don't have the stocks on your hands, you can go to ''stock agency'', ask them if they have the stocks you want in their companies. (Need to ask a few stock agency companies)

If they have that stock, you can ''borrow'' their stocks, but need to pay adminstration fees and interest, then you can sell them in the stock market.

When you sell them, your 'sell` will be written 拋 空 on the side in香港交易所 to let people know you are 拋 空ing, this is the law
參考: i know this

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